Guidelines for product and company reviews

How do we check and post reviews?

We always post a product review online; negative, positive and neutral. We do not pay for reviews.

Why are there reviews of articles?
Reviews about our company and products are meant for you to share your experience with us and our articles with other customers. Would you like to write a review? You can write a review if you’ve had a recent, genuine experience. We would really appreciate it! Please remember these conditions while writing and your review will be online soon.

We do not allow the following:
• You did not have contact with our company or you did not purchase the item through Legend-Store.
• Opinions or statements that have nothing to do with your experience with us or the item.
• Inappropriate language (for example, but not limited to, swearing, racist remarks, diseases or slurs).
• References, whether as URL or not, to other websites.
• Discounts, commercial actions, campaigns or price differences compared to other (online) shops.
• Commercial content and/or a commercial purpose, unless explicitly stated in a separate paragraph.

When reviews are deleted:
Your review is owned by you. That means you can edit, update or delete your review at any time. You’re encouraged to update an existing review if you want to add more information about a particular experience. And while it’s fine to write more than one review for a business if you’ve had more than one experience, please don’t bombard us with lots of reviews, because that’s not helpful for anyone. We’re all for freedom of expression, but some content just won’t fly. If someone flags your review for breaking Trustpilo's rules, Trustpilot may temporarily hide it and ask you to make some changes. They’ll give you the opportunity to bring genuine reviews within our guidelines, so they can stay on Trustpilot. But if you seriously misuse the Trustpilot platform, they can remove your reviews and/or block or delete your account. If your account is deleted, your reviews will also be deleted.

How reviews are collected and displayed
Only Legend-Store customers can write a review about articles they have purchased through Legend-Store. This way we are sure that reviews are written by experts.

You can write a review in the following way:
We will invite you via email to write a review about something you bought. You can then choose to write a product review or a business review on the review site Trustpilot.